
Docs for Shreyas

The website contains a lot of technical stuff, are you sure you wanted to be here? Maybe try out a few links in buttons below. If you wanted to be here anyways, welcome to the huge mess! :p . Navigate through the pages and find out everything you can.

Main Website Shreyas’s GitHub

This is not a blog

The page is not meant to be a blog. This will not be written in popular science language. This is supposed to be a documentation of stuff and maybe even just bunch of codes and configuration files. If you want to read a blog, click on the button below.

Blog by Shreyas

About the page

Docs for Shreyas is © 2020 by Shreyas Bapat. You may find a lot of technical documentation for how stuff works, how things may not work and their very unusual fixes. And don’t judge, this is anyways not for you. It’s to make the Shreyas’s life a little easy.


Docs for Shreyas is distributed by an MIT license.